
Hi homies

This is a lil website I made to put a buncha my OC stuff somewhere and keep it all organized for myself and maybe some other peeps who are interested in it idk

“BRAVE BANGERS” is the name I use for my lil universe of OCs. It mostly comes from my username, but also it’s “BRAVE” cuz they fight and “BANGERS” cuz they fuck lol

I’m currently trying out writing a little story (also called BRAVE BANGERS) that brings all my characters together and shows their relationships with each other and what they do and shit. I’ll be updating it one chapter at a time every other Tuesday. You can go to the “BRAVE BANGERS” page to see all the chapters and start reading from the start if you wanna

There is also another section called “BANG BITES”. These are little short stories/sex scenes about the characters. These aren’t really story relevant, and they’re kinda just for me to play around with little scene ideas. These will be posted on Saturdays sporadically whenever I get one done

I’ll also be making other sections for whatever else I do, like the games I make, profile pages for the characters, etc. I might also post drawings and comics I make of the characters periodically as well, and I’ll prolly try making little galleries so you can see a collection of the art I’ve done for them all

Anyway yeh so that’s what this website is about if you were wonderin


hi homies im brave bengal im the lewd drawer guy ur mom finds adorable and handsome

this is the website i use to post stuff about my lil oc universe thingie

Post Schedule:
Sunday – Project Announcements, Prize Pics
Monday – Character Bios
Tuesday – BRAVE BANGERS chapter
Wednesday – Comic/Sex Set/Dirty Doodle
Thursday – Game Content/Updates
Friday – Series/Event posts
Saturday – BANG BITES chapter

This schedule isn’t what goes up every week or anything but if I do have a new thing to post in a specific category then those are the days I try to upload em here
